Promissory in a sentence as an adjective

And the shoe maker can then trade that promissory note to others if he desires as well.

They aren't seizing title to the house, they are seizing a lien and promissory note.

The point is that the promissory note is no different in function or substance than money.

You use the words "promissory estoppel" to get a severance package, and you take it.

Get any offer in writing, and if it's rescinded, the words you want are: promissory estoppel.

In this electronic age, transferring a mortgage still requires handing over that signed promissory note.

Fortunately, there is a mechanism in contract law to allow this, called promissory estoppel.

Foreclosure "fraud" is when a bank cannot produced the signed promissory note in a foreclosure proceeding.

The question is whether the US government, which already spent that surplus, but gave a bunch of bonds as promissory notes to repay, will actually do so.

If they are not currency -- if they are more like scrip, or rations, or promissory notes good for X units of energy, or what have you -- then this creates a serious problem for Quark.

For example: "The doctrine of promissory estoppel prevents one party from withdrawing a promise made to a second party if the latter has reasonably relied on that promise.

I am no lawyer, but I think promissory estoppel only applies if you relied on the job offer in some way... for example, if you terminated your lease, resigned from your current job, or something like that.

And since Silk Road hasn't given me a promissory note in exchange for my bitcoin, I'm an unsecured general creditor - and unsecured general creditors cannot establish standing to recover seized assets.

As an exercise, examine each of your relationships that is based on a contract, lease, deed, license, promissory note, or other legal instrument, and look for ways to replace it with relationships that are based on trust, mutual respect, and common interest.

How about, company was acquired by public company, employees were convinced to transition options into a promissory note that would eventually convert to more stock with more value, company folds, employees get sued for value of promissory notes?

If the revenue that comes in for any given month/quarter is more than the money going out that month/quarter then you are 'operationally cash flow positive' meaning that other than something like a big lawsuit or a promissory note coming due or some big financial event you can keep working and the lights on.

Promissory definitions


relating to or having the character of a promise; "promissory note"