Prognosticator in a sentence as a noun

Armchair prognosticator here, but is there not a zero-knowledge proof way of doing this?

If Jack really is the prognosticator of web products like I keep hearing, he will have to put new talent in place.

The author of this article wrote this in a Jan 2020 blog [0]:> Am I a genius prognosticator and futurist?

Nassim Taleb isn't a perfect prognosticator, but he is an interesting one.

One New York prognosticator of the 1890s concluded that by 1930 the horse droppings would rise to Manhattan’s third-story windows.

One New York prognosticator of the 1890s concluded that by 1930 the horse droppings would rise to Manhattan’s third-storey windows.

The second assertion is a dangerous leap - an outlier event when the sample is small, may in fact, just be an outlier - ie, there isn't a prognosticator on the planet who called those two results.

As outlandish as it seems, he actually makes a fairly convincing, well-researched case, and has had a pretty impressive career as an inventor and tech prognosticator.

As far as world-changing foresight goes, Kay and Hillis were born late enough to see what's coming down the road in the computer revolution, but early enough to be a prognosticator.

"Many a prognosticator who has tried to envision the future has been tripped up by a failure to correctly anticipate the direction of technological change.

The gentleman prognosticator of the mid-1880s could look back at steady progress in the operating speed of railways and similar improvement in steamships throughout the 19th century.

The accuracy of his predictions won him further acclaim, including abroad,[49] and added to his reputation as a leading political prognosticator.

My inner prognosticator envisions claiming a carbon sequestration tax credit for running an underground data center containing graphene components...

Such a prognosticator would find their ability to beat the market asymptotically approach zero, as his attempts to take advantage of opportunities cause those opportunities to evaporate in his hands at the instant of investing.

Prognosticator definitions


someone who makes predictions of the future (usually on the basis of special knowledge)

See also: forecaster predictor soothsayer