Proficiency in a sentence as a noun

" Even the cool feeling of proficiency you get from knowing a tool well, and the fun of getting to show off a skill to a "how did he do that!?

Much of the criticism and misguided opinion comes from people who simply don't have this level of proficiency with the language.

Prudent pilots do more manual flying than is strictly necessary because that's the only way to maintain proficiency.

I'll be concrete and define "game standardized tests" as "aspects which influence the test results other than proficiency in the subject matter.

Learning foreign languages to high levels of communication proficiency was the first adult learning challenge I took on.

But coding is not really like, say, writing, where gaining a minimal proficiency leaves one in a much better position than not knowing how to do it at all.

To count programmers by their sole programming language proficiency suggests he was paying bottom dollar, rather than hiring hackers.

Sure, I happen to write more C++, Python, and C than anything else, but I've dabbled in just about everything and could reach comfortable proficiency in a matter of weeks.

A lot of other skills have to come together before one can count "performance" as a point of their proficiency in a language, and most of those skills are really quite language-agnostic.

"I've invested years developing significant proficiency in Flex.

It's a shame that HN can't recognize what is fundamentally a good thing: a statement from the president encouraging curiosity and proficiency in computer science and programming.

I've also seen claims by occasional Japan-related writers that actual English proficiency has declined, which certainly might reduce Western exposure, given how much of it would be in English.

Public school is set to the following task: "take everyone, everywhere, all across the country, and bring them to the same level of proficiency across the board, with tightly limited funding and regardless of outside factors.

Just hit the high points: 12 week course in web security, $1000, increased proficiency in x, y, z, ability to do a, b, c, protection from j, k, l, and security as a key to protecting data -- the core of the product -- the core of business.

Due to her professional pride and dedication, she spent her own money on a three month summer immersion plan to gain some proficiency, but she still wasn't at the level of competence required by her professional pride and she resigned at the end of the year.

Proficiency definitions


the quality of having great facility and competence


skillfulness in the command of fundamentals deriving from practice and familiarity; "practice greatly improves proficiency"

See also: technique