Prodding in a sentence as a noun

If you don't like cattle prodding, what do you suggest instead?

My gentle prodding to test their comfort zone sometimes works, sometimes doesn't.

Know that in both the UK and the US, you are taking a significant risk by prodding websites like this.

In the end, the clinician's prodding has led to a led to a deeper raison d'tre for both the author and the reader.

You can't see it as prodding a product because then, as you said, consumer protection act gets involved.

My and her mother keep prodding her to quit, but of course her position in the company is essential and she'd never want to "betray" her employer.

Get enough Linux preorders like that and they might even task someone with prodding the component manufacturers to come up with proper drivers.

There is also a tremendous amount of bureaucracy and complexity built into the system which I've found resists even modestly determined prodding.

The advice to "prod and demonstrate the failure/successes of your prodding before asking for advice" is not a heuristic against laziness - rather, it's meant to find out the depth of passion in the inquirer.

After some prodding and asking them to explain how I might otherwise discover the product they sold me was defective/not as advertised without opening it, they eventually chose to refund my money.

Facebook seems like they are pretty good as acquirers, based on the Instagram acquisition, they have let Systrom and his team basically do their own thing, with a bit of prodding on faster releases and a monetization plan.

Yet it's also possible the organizers have a mostly-white circle, and without prodding, are prone to select from that group...not because they're racist, but because they happen to follow these people more and thus are more aware of their achievements.

Prodding definitions


a verbalization that encourages you to attempt something; "the ceaseless prodding got on his nerves"

See also: goad goading prod urging spur spurring