Primitive in a sentence as a noun

All I want is a set of primitives that let me render models to the screen.

If you think about, say, a primitive tribesman.

A language for numbers that doesn't have primitive unboxed numbers.

He has spent many years living among primitive societies around the world to explore his hypotheses.

Your life expectancy even in a "primitive" culture has always been 60 years or so, give or take a dozen, once you survive childhood.

They're using a primitive RCC circuit instead of spending a few cents on a controller IC, and they're using low-quality capacitors.

Making a library and a set of primitive operations that can be used by an end user safely, in provably constant time is possible.

Primitive in a sentence as an adjective

It's based off a very primitive core idea, everything is a file, and very heavily reliant on "text dump" based programming and configuration.

I, too, agree that nearly every other nation's justice system is similarly ethically primitive.

He makes the argument with a specific example that as we have moved to higher-level primitives, we've built an overly simplistic mental model of how the lower-level ones like OS and hardware work.

So in a sense we have more power because we have this nice set of high-level primitives, but in practice we've forgotten all the things that those primitives wrap, we've started to believe that they are simple because they look simple.

This flight control computer monitoring system did work properly, and disabled the flight computers in the end, switching over to manual pitch control via a more primitive, secondary flight control system.

We prefer not to consider closely the shockingly vapid and primitive comments uttered by athletes in postcontest interviews or to consider what impoverishments in ones mental life would allow people actually to think the way great athletes seem to think.

This seems to be like a fundamental problem that all software projects have, and creating a new set of primitives and saying "no seriously, that should do the trick" is at best going to yield a nice little language like Python or Ruby that somebody will post articles about on HN saying why it's so hard for casual use.

Primitive definitions


a person who belongs to an early stage of civilization


a mathematical expression from which another expression is derived


a word serving as the basis for inflected or derived forms; "`pick' is the primitive from which `picket' is derived"


belonging to an early stage of technical development; characterized by simplicity and (often) crudeness; "the crude weapons and rude agricultural implements of early man"; "primitive movies of the 1890s"; "primitive living conditions in the Appalachian mountains"

See also: crude rude


little evolved from or characteristic of an earlier ancestral type; "archaic forms of life"; "primitive mammals"; "the okapi is a short-necked primitive cousin of the giraffe"

See also: archaic


used of preliterate or tribal or nonindustrial societies; "primitive societies"


of or created by one without formal training; simple or naive in style; "primitive art such as that by Grandma Moses is often colorful and striking"

See also: naive