Preponderance in a sentence as a noun

Perhaps this leads to the preponderance of middlebrow dismissals or other "how can I look smart here?

Should it be a "clear and convincing" standard or a "preponderance of evidence" standard?3.

The preponderance of comments that "this has happened to me and I'm a guy so the world's not sexist" is so discouraging.

Given the preponderance of such apps it seems as if home screens are due for a make over that looks more like iPod music libraries than 'desktop.

Civil suits only require a 'preponderance of evidence' and only a bare majority of the jury.

The burden of proof is then on the driver to show that the cash is not related to a crime by a legal standard known as preponderance of the evidence.

I learned the overwhelming preponderance of what there was to learn about life on the playground, especially given my latchkey situation.

Pot, like gay marriage, has simply been a demographic matter of waiting for enough stuck up old people to finally die that the preponderance of opinion is in favor of it. When you're old, statistically speaking, people younger than you will be waiting for you to shuffle off, too.

In sentencing, the prosecution need only establish a "reasonable" estimate of losses, backed by a "preponderance of the evidence".

The individual \n has the burden of disproving by a preponderance of the evidence, the \n existence of one or both of the elements that is willfulness or \n responsibility.

[1] That's why the standard for civil forfeiture isn't whether the person is guilty "beyond a reasonable doubt" but rather whether the property is the fruits of a crime by the "preponderance of the evidence.

Generally, it's best not to say anything more than the minimal amount necessary; if you want to get a particular angle on the story out, you float it through friendly media, of which SiV has a preponderance.

Preponderance definitions


superiority in power or influence; "the preponderance of good over evil"; "the preponderance of wealth and power"


a superiority in numbers or amount; "a preponderance of evidence against the defendant"

See also: prevalence


exceeding in heaviness; having greater weight; "the least preponderance in either pan will unbalance the scale"