Preliminary in a sentence as a noun

From a preliminary search on twitter, there is a huge amount of users still using twitpic.

I believe you could be a huge value-add to our preliminary discussions.

People have often speculated about how much cheaper launch services might be if they were in the private sector -- now we can find out. The preliminary signs are very good.

First, Batelle has prevailed in a preliminary injunction ordering Thuen to take down Visdom.

Nothing is clear yet. It's a preliminary bombardment.

A judge has the power to grant preliminary injunctions because in some cases, by the time a decision is reached the harm might have already been done.

In that case, the judge has the discretion to grant you a preliminary injunction, which basically "freezes the status quo" pending the resolution of the case.

Moreover, a slip opinion is replaced within a few months by a paginated version of the case in the preliminary print, and--one year after the issuance of that print--by the final version of the case in a U. S. Reports bound volume.

Preliminary in a sentence as an adjective

All too often, preliminary findings don't lead to further useful discoveries in science, because the preliminary findings are flawed.

The court said that the trial judge abused her discretion in granting the preliminary injunction because Apple had not proven irreparable harm.

Many, many submissions to HN are based at bottom on press releases, and press releases are well known for spinning preliminary research findings beyond all recognition.

From a preliminary investigation into Julia it had less lib support, but most importantly, less inertia.

The article is appropriately cautious about reporting on a preliminary research result in an animal model.

The real test will come if, as I assume, PayPal seeks to get a preliminary injunction blocking Google from using its mobile-payment technology because it allegedly based on a misappropriation of PayPal's trade secrets.

In this case, the appeals court said that granting the injunction was an abuse of discretion because the judge granted the injunction despite Apple's evidence being wholly insufficient to meet the legal requirements for granting the preliminary injunction.

The 3Tap business model may or may not have withstood this legal challenge but the salient fact here is that CL faced a lot of uncertainty on the legal issues involved, meaning that it might ultimately have lost on its claims and further meaning that 3Tap's business model would serve as a ready-made way for third parties to gain unfettered access to the CL data, at least until CL were able to obtain a preliminary injunction in the lawsuit or an ultimate victory on its claims.

Preliminary definitions


a minor match preceding the main event

See also: prelim


something that serves as a preceding event or introduces what follows; "training is a necessary preliminary to employment"; "drinks were the overture to dinner"

See also: overture prelude


denoting an action or event preceding or in preparation for something more important; designed to orient or acquaint with a situation before proceeding; "a preliminary investigation"