Preeminent in a sentence as an adjective

Why is the most preeminent newspaper in the world still calling saturated fat "bad.

Factor[2] is the preeminent concatenative language at this time.

Lukas is one of the preeminent thinkers in the field of user experience & user interface design and if this book is anything like his blog, it'll be a must-buy for anyone working on software that other people use. Congrats!

If a 15% hotel tax is what steers you away from one of the world's preeminent tourist destinations, I'm not sure that you were going to add much to the local economy.

My parents are great, college-educated, knowledgeable people, but they're not preeminent scholars or trained teachers.

Alternatively, think about the classical three body problem: even though it's the preeminent example of a chaotic system, you can still make broad predictions about it.

Paul has a phenomenal reputation in the wine world and is one of the preeminent voices when it comes to discussing how to bring the old way of thinking by most wineries to the new ways of social media.

"We specifically thought that Niklas and Janus, two of the preeminent technology entrepreneurs of our time, wanted Skype to be a huge success and would do everything in their power to make that happen.

Preeminent definitions


greatest in importance or degree or significance or achievement; "our greatest statesmen"; "the country's leading poet"; "a preeminent archeologist"