Precinct in a sentence as a noun

If so, please call your local precinct and wait for the police to arrive.

The local precinct was two blocks away so I went there with the guy's license plate number.

Or walk down the street from the precinct and use the payphone to anonymously phone in a tip.

At the precinct, he was told some racist stuff by a working officer before being put in the cell.

If you are a good cop in a precinct and you do not arrest the bad cops in that precinct, your precinct contains no good cops.

They eventually did get a confirmation from the 88th precinct that I was there, which of course no one relayed to me.

This police officer can do the same thing over and over and get away with it because the precinct will protect her.

What amazes me about this story is not that the software crashed, but that they did not have precinct captains and strike lists at the ready to step in.

The precinct captains were handing volunteers old printouts of where to knock on doors and then using a highlighter to mark your route on a Google Maps printout.

In theory, even an unpaid intern has the power to bring down top-level executives by simply walking into a police precinct.

If you look at the red/blue split on election precinct levels, you'll see exactly why: the division is very distinct & consistent at the boundary between urban and rural.

I find it sad that the officer could be a "joke around the precinct" - presumably incompetent and apparently eager to abuse their power - and still be an officer.

Cperciva's comment a couple of days back about the doubletalk in the official statement seems especially precinct, and the new claim about both the private and public keys for the credit card info being stored in the same place... appallingly incompetent if true.

My wife and I voted this morning in our busy precinct in Minnesota, where there are some tight statewide contests about constitutional amendments and perhaps the most contested race for our state's House of Representatives of any electoral district in our state.

Precinct definitions


a district of a city or town marked out for administrative purposes