Pounder in a sentence as a noun

So we'd have to rename the quarter-pounder with cheese to royale with cheese?

A McD's quarter-pounder is a single product, and so presumably must be made with its actual ingredients in ads.

McDonald's wouldn't fire you if a client asked you "why is the quarter pounder tastier", and you said "it's because it has a different sauce".

> McDonald's wouldn't fire you if a client asked you "why is the quarter pounder tastier", and you said "it's because it has a different sauce".Well, they would if the customer could turn around and sue them because they didn't get the right sauce.

"In the sense that I'm saying, be a part of the democratic governance process, yes, that is a definition the government would put out there, but I'm not saying, "toe the line and choose between a big mac and a quarter pounder," I'm saying, "work to make the world you want.

Either way you have to put down the triple quarter pounder with bacon and cheese and step away slowly, and frankly the paleo stuff tastes better than the grain stuff unless you use megatons of the unhealthy meat/dairy/grease/artificial flavors aka the standard american diet.

Pounder definitions


(used only in combination) something weighing a given number of pounds; "the fisherman caught a 10-pounder"; "their linemen are all 300-pounders"


a heavy tool of stone or iron (usually with a flat base and a handle) that is used to grind and mix material (as grain or drugs or pigments) against a slab of stone

See also: pestle muller