Poultry in a sentence as a noun

Its extremely cheap to make, the butcher gives me poultry frames for $1/kg.

The fear and hate of backyard poultry surprised me. Where, exactly, do these people think their eggs come from?

Specialize this class into subclasses: grains, pork and poultry.

Specialize this class into subclasses: grains, pork, and poultry.

You can get good poultry in the US if you go out of your way for it and are willing to pay for it.

The difference would be less extreme when looking at pork and poultry, but there is still a stark contrast.

Had they ever visited a commercial poultry farm?

There is little doubt that chickens in industrial poultry farms are treated badly.

The poultry industry sells 19 million chickens each day every day, each year every year, in the US alone.

Hey there, I'm intimately familiar with the poultry industry in all aspects.

""The ham and cheese omelet class is worth special attention because it must inherit characteristics from the pork, dairy, and poultry classes.

If that's a reason to effectively destroy the industry, then god only knows what we should do poultry farmers after the various salmonella outbreaks over the years.

According to this article, earlier this year meat and poultry inspectors were designated 'essential personnel', meaning that they can continue to work even during a government shutdown.

If this guy continues telling sexually offensive jokes after being asked not to, it doesn't make him a misogynist, in the same way that continuing to tell uncomfortable chicken jokes in the presence of the chicken-adverse doesn't make him anti-poultry.

The specialization process should be repeated with grains divided into toast, muffins, pancakes, and waffles; pork divided into sausage, links, and bacon; and poultry divided into scrambled eggs, hard- boiled eggs, poached eggs, fried eggs, and various omelet classes.

Re-enrichment only replaces macronutrients, leaving micronutrients and minerals unaccounted for.- Preservatives enhance shelf life and reduce the likelihood of food-borne illness, but many are themselves suspect and many have been taken off the market.- Nitrites are possible carcinogen.- Google: brominated oil, arsenic poultry.... and so on.

> For example, any food marketed to children must “contain at least 50% by weight one or more of the following: fruit; vegetable; whole grain; fat-free or low-fat milk or yogurt; fish; extra lean meat or poultry; eggs; nuts and seeds; or beans.”UK advice is to give children full fat milk until they are 2, and not skimmed until they are 5, and only then if they have a good diet.

Poultry definitions


a domesticated gallinaceous bird thought to be descended from the red jungle fowl

See also: fowl


flesh of chickens or turkeys or ducks or geese raised for food