Potentiometer in a sentence as a noun

I can see this project being done with couple of op-amps and potentiometer?

It involved a 555 and a potentiometer so that the fire rate could be controlled.

Use the potentiometer to control an output that runs an RC servo.

You then raise A to its maximum value by pushing up the position of the potentiometer's handle.

You should interface a potentiometer with the Pi to adjust the brooder light, only so you can call it a chicken pot Pi.

It's not like the old days where it's a potentiometer, it's not even wired directly into the board that handles infotainment.

My first IC - havent felt anywhere close to what I felt when I built my first 'siren' powered by a 555, a potentiometer and a cheap 4 ohms speaker.. RIP Hans.

You can simulate the effect of a potentiometer using PWM, or you can buy a digital to analog converter.

This gets even more different when devices contain a digitally controlled potentiometer between the DAC and the amp.

This can be built easily by connecting 9v battery, a potentiometer, and a multimeter on current mode in series.

For example, let's take the tiny little linear potentiometers that Disney uses in its animatronics.

One thread is used for acquiring and normalize the analog signals acquired through a potentiometer and a IR proximity sensor.

Let us see why.>Imagine that you have a sliding potentiometer which controls parameter A. Both the potentiometer and the parameter are at their minimum values.

One such story was around a garage door opener he modified with a potentiometer so he could test opening frequencies by rotating the dial.

This means customer dont really know where they will be routed even single one and chance that even single potentiometer will be connected to ADC input that wont work together with wifi.

In addition to LEDs and a breadboard, some push buttons, and maybe a photoresitor or a rotary potentiometer to play around with analog inputs are all good starting items.

If somebody built this, and stuck a normal potentiometer on the front of a box to adjust the voltage, they may not think to use a pot that has a high insulation rating between the handle and the wiper.

These solutions are sometimes contradictory: a weak potentiometer shaft may be improved by using a particular alloy of steel instead of, say, aluminum.

You now want to change the value of parameter B. Before you can do so using the same potentiometer, the handle of the potentiometer must be repositioned to a position corresponding to the current value of parameter B. The necessity of having to perform this normalizing function is the nulling problem.>Contrast the difficulty of performing the above interaction using a position-sensitive device with the ease of doing so using one which senses motion.

Potentiometer definitions


a measuring instrument for measuring direct current electromotive forces


a resistor with three terminals, the third being an adjustable center terminal; used to adjust voltages in radios and TV sets