Postage in a sentence as a noun

I can get a USB stick for $5 and that's with postage from Amazon.

Mail on my Mac is represented by a postage stamp.

Or perhaps elephants standing on a postage stamp?

They don't cramp the content into a postage-stamp sized corner of the page.

My credit card was charged for $NaN once, due to a bug in a PitneyBowes postage kiosk.

This person used WPCorp stationery, WPCorp postage, and, no doubt, WPCorp time to tell me he was glad I had left the company.

The micro-shutter array is an array of 65,536 shutters on an area about the size of a postage stamp.

> The cost of postage and the check along with all the processing costs are covered from the money generated from sales of valuable ****.

I automated as much as I could by printing the letters and envelopes in a certain order, but in the end I had to fold, stuff, and apply postage to each letter myself. It took me about an hour to do 100 letters.

If a seller has a habit of sending things with underpaid postage, then a potential buyer will be able to see the pattern in the feedback history and choose not to buy. If it's a one-off, then a potential buyer will see that.

We'd happily pay for a service that just sends us an external drive and a postage-paid box.. we drop it in the mail after a job and get another drive sent to us right away.

By that standard, there should be postage stamps emblazoned with the image of a disgruntled postal worker shooting his coworkers to death, just so we as consumers know what's at stake when we send a letter.

Subsidized by taxpayers"The Postal Service receives no tax dollars for operating expenses, and relies on the sale of postage, products and services to fund its operations.

Nest could raise the bar of their environmental responsibility another notch by including a postage-paid mailer and some bubble wrap to return your old thermostat to them for proper disposal.

Postage definitions


the charge for mailing something


a small adhesive token stuck on a letter or package to indicate that that postal fees have been paid

See also: stamp