Possible in a sentence as a noun

It's possible that technology could start to net **** jobs.

And my hope is that the article approaches the infosuicide in the most humane way possible.

Both sides are trying to use whatever leverage they have to negotiate the best possible deal.

That shouldn't be possible if the application is just directly talking to Apple the entire time.

Take the least amount of stock possible - your startup is statistically unlikely to succeed.

That may be true, but to me it sounds like you're possibly not doing well enough to make any of that possible, and you probably need to find work fast.

This means malaria must be really good at two things: keeping its host walking around and going undetected for as long as possible.

When we do fix bugs we will try to get to users as fast as possible.> 8. Replication was lackluster on busy serversThis simply sounds like a case of an overloaded server.

So I'm going to try to see if it's possible to identify people who consistently upvote nasty comments and if so count their votes less.

In what possible world is disabling an account that has recently exploited your live product in a very visible way not ok?

Possible in a sentence as an adjective

Encrypted data must be stored for an unlimited time to facilitate possible decryption in the future.

Monitor > your replication status!If you mean that an error condition can occur without issuing errors to a client, then yes, this is possible.

It may very well be that Broder got a swimming pool full of BP-money in his offshore hideaway...but isn't it possible that just maybe, that Elon Musk has a vested interest in advocating for Tesla?

I think they fragment human interaction into the smallest possible dopamine-inducing units.

It also implies a deviousness that will scare investors; if they're willing to screw a friend and risk such a serious dispute, then it's also possible that they'll wander into similar situations in the future.

You will either have something going from your side project or you will have enough money saved to legitimately work full time on something without worrying about billsAs far as the idea, go for something as boring as possible.

They get out of there as soon as possible.”Lastly, imagine how you'd feel reading a similar opinion piece on Fox News from a gun ** former operator talking about all the American lives he saved by observing and taking out "the bad guys".

It pains me to see so many people, who quite likely rely on emacs, Xcode with gcc, gnu coreutils, or an operating system that would've never been possible without the Free software movement, sit around and ridicule RMS because he eats toe jam or really, really likes parrots.

The idea here is to spend the most time with candidates who might potentially work out and wasting as little time as possible on those that probably won't;- the problem with these kinds of whiteboard coding problems is that the tendency is for interviewers to think the problem needs to be "hard".

Possible definitions


something that can be done; "politics is the art of the possible"


an applicant who might be suitable


capable of happening or existing; "a breakthrough may be possible next year"; "anything is possible"; "warned of possible consequences"


existing in possibility; "a potential problem"; "possible uses of nuclear power"

See also: potential