Positivity in a sentence as a noun

The positivity on HN lately is almost too much to handle.

They are intelligent and try to spread positivity in the world.

If I ever start a company the #1 thing I will look for in others is positivity.

>> If I ever start a company the #1 thing I will look for in others is positivity.

Comments like this might get you disappeared by the YC positivity-maintenance crew

The "valley" in question is a dip in a proposed graph of the positivity of human reaction as a function of a robot's human likeness.

You do associate Coke with positivity after seeing it often enough.

It's rather like the appropriate way to use Yelp reviews: assume most of them are fake, assume nothing but positivity or negativity is wrong, and instead look for volume and breadth of tone.

If defining the correct way to vote as "downvote any negative comment not leavened by positivity - we need all the positive thinking we can get", then I would start voting correctly.

When one is depressed, even other people's expressions of love and support can be exhausting to deal with and it may be preferable to avert them by cultivating an air of positivity.

For example, if I think that the ratio of negativity to positivity represents the diversity of ways you can disagree and the paucity of ways to agree.

I'm honestly very interested by Dogecoin, the community enthusiasm and positivity seems to be it's wildcard.

Positivity definitions


the character of the positive electric pole

See also: positiveness


a quality or state characterized by certainty or acceptance or affirmation and dogmatic assertiveness

See also: positiveness positivism


the quality of being encouraging or promising of a successful outcome

See also: favorableness favourableness advantageousness positiveness profitableness


an amount greater than zero

See also: positiveness


the quality of being undeniable and not worth arguing about

See also: incontrovertibility incontrovertibleness positiveness