Poseur in a sentence as a noun

To me it feels the same as calling myself a 'player' or something... like I'm a poseur.

What is silly is being a poseur, like many people on HN, and pretending you are above all this.

Its just this geek macho poseur mentality that's harmful.

Neither drug dealers, nor poseur rappers that pretend to be deserve to be glorified.

In any sufficiently large set of individuals you will have everything from poseur to star.

If this word needs to be reclaimed from anyone, its from bourgeois poseur socialites who just so happen to be interested in technology businesses.

To the submitter:I'm no more a fan of poseur Marxist rants than you are, but HN submissions should generally be something worth reading, not every tumblr-level rant you want to shine a light on.

I felt like I was a complete phony doing physics because, for some ****** up reason, it was what smart, cool people did, and that I didn't belong there at all, I was just a poseur who had some bright flukes along the way.

Tl;dr: People are suddenly interested in something I'm passionate about, they're all poseur johnny-come-latelys, I'm the authentic hackerThis is maybe the tenth HN post I've read that's some iteration of this gut feeling by people who entered tech after a life-long obsession with computers.

Poseur definitions


a person who habitually pretends to be something he is not

See also: poser