Portraying in a sentence as a noun

I don't hate Bitcoin, in fact I think it's a really cool idea, but I think the mindset you are portraying is very bad.

Nolan is presenting a metaphor of life itself as a Penrose staircase, and portraying faith as the way out.

Did anyone notice the two guys portraying Plato and Aristotle in the famous paint "The School of Athens" made by Raphael?

"Journalists have a tendency of portraying figures in tech circles as being on the spectrum, while very often that isn't the case.

On to proclaim that these are intentional acts of portraying females in a negative light and keeping them out of the tech industry.

This piece is very perceptive in portraying Prop 13 property-tax caps and rent-control as sibling policies, each feeding destructive "I've got mine" politics.

There has been an ongoing and pervasive systematic increase in stories portraying a negative light on Iran and Iranian society.

It's something you will enjoy reading because the story's prose alternately moves and amuses, portraying the situation as a tragi-comedy.

It's a shame that everything we hear about China here in the states is from second-hand sources that have more interest in telling a shocking black and white story than portraying the gray truth.

What makes you so sure you were downvoted by freshdesk employees and not just HNers who thought your comment was ineffective at portraying a useful point?note: I am not nor have ever been a freshdesk employee

This one was pretty easy - Obama bombarded the airwaves with TV ads portraying Romney as a corporate asset-stripper who cackled merrily all the way to the bank as he shipped blue collar jobs to Mexico and China.

Portraying definitions


a representation by picture or portraiture

See also: depicting depiction portrayal