Portraiture in a sentence as a noun

But I don't think it improved my photo portraiture skills at all.

It's not like the Louvre, where you wander for miles through rooms of mind-numbing portraiture.

My favorites are the 45 and the 75mm, since I mostly do portraiture.

Of all genres, portraiture is the most convention-driven.

This is probably not to do with photography but portraiture in general.

There is always some debate, but many photographers prefer either an 85mm or 100mm for portraiture.

Check it out on a google image search; some companies make cards for you with their logo on it, but most cards are blank for your writing, and there is no portraiture.

" Which completely ignores how photography displaced painting in the genre of portraiture, and made it more accessible.

If anything, it sort of demoralized me to see the incredible level of input required for portraiture at her level.

One of my friends recently had some portraiture done for free, with the condition that the photographer owns the rights to the photos and can use them for marketing.

Where you did portraiture with landscape background, b. where you did the imaginative landscapes would do imaginative sketches of landscapes The place where the article really connected/resonated with me was: But then I started getting annoyed.

If you follow it, in a few short drawing sessions it will lift you from a person who can't draw at all to a person who is a novice at life drawing with some impressive looking portraiture.

Drawing on other life experiences, I might liken it to jazz improvisation vs. classical performance, or to mobile phone snapshots vs. professional portraiture.

Recently on HN there was a similar story, where a family had reduced-cost portraiture done so the photographer could maintain rights - the story was that those photos then ended up as part of the pro-life abortion debate, which they did not agree with.

Portraiture definitions


a word picture of a person's appearance and character

See also: portrayal portrait


the activity of making portraits