Polymath in a sentence as a noun

!I am a highly social hacker, and a polymath to boot.

It's because the only thing that can tell a polymath from a dabbler is time.

Being a polymath requires a much wider background.

The claim is that he's a geeky genius polymath who is also a patent troll.

Just think about your typical polymath like da Vinci.

Yes, OK, you are a polymath and super smart, I get it. Honestly, to me this reads like someone who hasn't quite gotten over herself.

Let me disabuse you of that notion: Stephen is more aware of what is going on the wider world than anyone else I know or have ever met. Like him or hate him, he's a true polymath.

I don't think anyone's ever disputed that Nathan wasn't a geeky genius polymath.

I agree with Djerassi that the term "polymath" is confusing and detrimental.

My mom, a gifted polymath with a Masters degree from Berkeley, was pursuing a noteworthy career in journalism before she met my dad.

But how does this negate the value of polymaths?This is like saying that wheels on an airplane are completely useless, because wings have been meticulously crafted for the sole purpose of flying.

Similarly, I believe, due to the vast amount of information accumulated in all different fields in the last century or so, polymaths have simply ceased to exist.

For someone to think they see this trait in themselves is seemingly a contradiction, it's almost doublethink to consider oneself both repulsive and charismatic at the same time, or both an idiot savant and a polymath.

This doesn't rule out the possibility the Szabo is some kind of Newton-like polymath who has command of a vast quantity of knowledge, but it seems more likely that Satoshi is more technical-minded than broad-based in his knowledge, despite being very smart.

Polymath definitions


a person of great and varied learning