Politics in a sentence as a noun

* Way more people care about politics than the stuff that makes HN HN.

On these threads, people say that if I don't want politics on HN, I must not care about politics at all.

There seems to be a lot of sentiment that Wikipedia should stay out of politics.

So if we talk politics, we could easily fill the front page with it, and crowd out all the unimportant tech stuff.

A hard ban on politics and current events, instead of the wiggly one we have in the site guidelines now.

I also love to follow professional cycling, but I don't want politics on those sites either.

Why are people so self-centered that they have to make every innocent joke about politics or gender or society?

* People don't seem to get that you can compartmentalize: I care deeply about politics, but I also like having a high quality tech site that is about tech and startups.

Why should science fair projects be treated any differently than crime, the personal lives of celebrities, politics, or economics?

Good politics: they had custom code for parts of OpenSSL, they published it when it seemed needed, open-source community told them what was wrong, they fixed it and apologized.

I'd rather chew razor blades than talk about traffic, weather, casino gambling, baseball, real estate taxes, gun control, politics, or Dancing with the Stars.

**** bureaucracy and embrace no-politics DIY organisation!The article reads like an HR air crash investigation.

He clearly has something to say, and I would love nothing more than to hear more discussion like this in our national politics, instead of continuing to take a cargo-cult approach towards heaping benefits on the wealthiest class.

The top rated comment on this question asserts that the reason why programmers have lower salaries is because they are logical, intelligent individuals who refuse to play the politics game and thus are hated by executives.

In the same way, I wouldn't expect a technical article reporting measurements of carbon flow in the environment to be published in a political science journal, even though climate change might have profound implications for global politics.

Its like 4chan discussing politics, just a complete mess always on the attack...but at least when thanks comes its usually really good, for example this year I got a hand made Christmas card from the Indonesian Fishing Association for getting a reporter in touch with them.

This seems to be a rare case where removing words adds information, rather than removing it: "The talks failed because of politics" means roughly what it says, while "The talks failed because politics" means roughly "The talks failed because of politics, which is the kind of thing that always happens when politics are involved".Any linguists care to comment whether there's a term for this kind of meaning compression?

Politics definitions


social relations involving intrigue to gain authority or power; "office politics is often counterproductive"


the study of government of states and other political units

See also: government


the profession devoted to governing and to political affairs


the opinion you hold with respect to political questions


the activities and affairs involved in managing a state or a government; "unemployment dominated the politics of the inter-war years"; "government agencies multiplied beyond the control of representative politics"