Poisoning in a sentence as a noun

That... doesn't sound like radiation poisoning to me.

Its root is in the morbid, irrational fear of poisoning.

There are a few sour apples poisoning the environment for everyone, and it needs to stop.

I'm surprised it took so long, and he didn't suffer ballistic lead poisoning instead.

He explains how NSA shills are reading reddit / HN and poisoning communities / standards / protocols / etc.

Are you suffering from testosterone poisoning or something?

Claiming that universities are "poisoning minds" by teaching Aristotle and Descartes in 101 Intro to Philosophy courses is just silly.

Even better, what if the government was closing in a child pornographer with chemical weapons and a nuke, and the leak allowed him to rape more children while nuking a nunnery and poisoning an orphanage?

500 people die annually due to acetaminophen poisoning, mostly from attempting to take too many painkillers which include both opiates and acetaminophen.

Here's numbers and a primary source [0]:"For perspective, the maximum potential radiation dose received by any ship's force personnel aboard the ship when it passed through the area was less than the radiation exposure received from about one month of exposure to natural background radiation from sources such as rocks, soil, and the sun."Meaning ~300 uSv, or three orders of magnitude short of acute radiation poisoning [1].

If the reaction somehow "runs away", which it \n absolutely can't, then it brushes the walls of the vacuum \n chamber, poisoning it with cold metal ions, like injecting \n lead shavings that have been chilled to absolute zero \n directly into your heart.\n\n If our magical "runaway reaction" somehow overcomes this, \n and melts a hole in the vacuum chamber, then the atmosphere \n rushes in, both freezing cold and at intolerably high \n pressure, like the North Sea flooding into the hull of a \n submarine resting on the ocean floor.\n\n Fusion reactors don't melt down, or explode.

Poisoning definitions


the physiological state produced by a poison or other toxic substance

See also: intoxication


the act of giving poison to a person or animal with the intent to kill