Pocketable in a sentence as an adjective

If you don't, pocketable smartphone can't be beat.

These are cameras with sensors far larger than most point and shoots, but also do not have the bulk of SLRs - high performance at a pocketable size.

$35 worth of pocketable computing power and a built-in C compiler can still deliver kick-*** results.

This ultra-portable device would have the perfect form-factor of usable screen and keyboard, all somehow tucked into a pocketable device.

It's a clear case of revisionist history to say that the iPhone is the "first comprehensively successful attempt to create a mass-market, consumer-friendly, always-on, pocketable touch screen computer".

Pocketable definitions


small enough to be carried in a garment pocket; "pocket-size paperbacks"

See also: pocket-size pocket-sized