Pneumonic in a sentence as an adjective

It's a pneumonic for "previous" and works the same as it does in gnu screen, which is tux's "competitor.

Then there's "pneumonic" which is something else entirely.

According to this article, "Even with the best treatment, some 14 per cent of pneumonic plague victims still die."

But it would plausibly offer some protection against contracting pneumonic plague from getting coughed on all the time.

I enjoy entertaining wacky ideas, and figured smokers might be fumigating the fleas, or in the case of pneumonic plague, filtering the air.

If the conditions are right, you might get a pneumonic plague epidemic intermingled with a bubonic plague epidemic.

Wiki black death:"Many modern scholars accept that the lethality of the Black Death stemmed from the combination of bubonic and pneumonic plague with other diseases and warn that every historical mention of 'pest' was not necessarily bubonic plague..."

Pneumonic definitions


pertaining to or characterized by or affected by pneumonia; "pneumonic plague"


relating to or affecting the lungs; "pulmonary disease"

See also: pulmonary pulmonic