Plummet in a sentence as a noun

Imagine if Groupon sent their daily flyer in plain text: Click-through would plummet.

De Graff knew that if he could print 100,000 paperbound books, production costs would plummet to 10 cents per copy.

When it does, you can expect tuition rates to plummet, back in line to their real net present values.

Property values plummet, and the town is left with no jobs and no ability to sell their houses and move out.

Without tests i'll guarantee you'll watch your stability plummet.

I can think of a few very good reasons why numbers would spike at the beginning of the month, plummet in the fat middle then spike at the end.

Plummet in a sentence as a verb

Just hearing someone mention one of the ***** in a conversation is sometimes enough to make my mood plummet if I'm taken by surprise.

Ever data driven, Google documented that people who had kids and worked from home had their productivity plummet between 2PM and 8PM.

Coursera classes for me at least in the near future, hopefully within the next few years these degree programs will scale a little better and costs will plummet.

Transport costs will plummet, making every single physical object cheaper.

Quiet introverts in an open plan office can work reasonably well but drop one extrovert into the mix and watch the stress levels rise and productivity plummet.

If the US annexed Antarctica tomorrow population density would plummet but it would be almost entirely meaningless in the foreseeable future in the context of a discussion on zoning laws.

Plummet definitions


the metal bob of a plumb line

See also: plumb


drop sharply; "The stock market plummeted"

See also: plump