Plebiscite in a sentence as a noun

Should Steve Jobs choose his successor through a plebiscite in which he ostensibly has the same voice as a retail store employee hired yesterday?

So, here in Australia we had a plebiscite on legalising same-sex marriage, and I voted in favour of it.

But often the wisdom of crowds isn't so wise; I'd hate to have the value of the gravitational constant or the next CEO of Google determined by public plebiscite.

Sending troops into disputed territory and then holding a plebiscite after the fact to legitimize it is the oldest trick in the book.

Presumably the Supreme Court judgment which vacated the result of the Proposition 8 plebiscite doesn't qualify as "the power of the state".

This isn't something you can simply automate away, for the same reason that government by plebiscite is not historically effective.

Could someone explain why my comment about the likely falsehood of the claim that a third plebiscite was introduced less than 8 hours ahead on a holiday in Germany gets downvoted?

Representative democracy isn't just about the difficulty of arranging a plebiscite for every single decision the legislature would make.

I figured they were thrown by 'plebiscite'.. I don't somebody will have much luck understanding a conversation on a technical discussion site about the war on general computing without knowing concepts basic to the premise.

Plebiscite definitions


a vote by the electorate determining public opinion on a question of national importance