Plebe in a sentence as a noun

I love 312, but then again my tastes run plebe.

> and as much as I rag on it for being plebe as far as food/culture goesCulture, maybe.

How dare you think I am a plebe designer and not a developer god that I am?

The plebe/end users have some saying but mostly stuff is run by the core devs/patricians.

An academic like that doesn't tend to retire, as they don't tend to be 'working' like the typical office plebe.

All these games are to extract even more concessions from the subject classes and play binary political games for plebe entertainment.

A well educated person's estimate of certainty might be much more accurate than a plebe's but it's not guaranteed to be right.

And I, a hapless plebe, am clearly unqualified to judge whether calling for beheading someone is reasonable.

As it is, there's a good chance any given request lands on the desk of some plebe who lacks the knowledge, tools and authority to handle the request correctly or efficiently.

Participes passés?I'm no authority on the subject, but here's what I gathered: during la Renaissance, some aristocrats made a game of overly complexifying the language such that the plebe couldn't understand what they were saying.

Plebe definitions


a military trainee (as at a military academy)

See also: cadet