Pleasantly in a sentence as an adverb

They would even be pleasantly surprised, probably. But that's not what we found out.

I was pleasantly surprised when I realized that as I scrolled the example on the right changed. Really nice site guys.

Oh, and by the way, Bonjour has been using multicast DNS + SRV records for freakin' years, and works pleasantly on ! Windows - and it does so for IPv6, as well.

Pick places at random, have low expectations, and spend your life constantly being pleasantly surprised.

I'm one of Webscript's founders, and I was pleasantly surprised to see this here. We just launched this morning, and I'm happy to answer any questions.

I was pleasantly surprised to see how far a Debian Wheezy desktop has come. Out of the box, it seems as nice as Ubuntu nowadays.

I was pleasantly surprised that the author of the linked article hits the target squarely when he lists off what PCs need. The first item: better displays.

Even little things are pleasantly surprising. If I have my laptop hooked up to speakers at a party playing through Rdio, I can change the song from my phone.

Working with images and settings files are two areas where I was very pleasantly surprised at just how easy it was. There were some minor frustrations.

Making them pass pleasantly is also a challenge. Spending all day and half the night doing something is easy when it's a source of pride and your refuge from all the stuff you aren't good at.

Heck, he didn't even expect them to go down, and was pleasantly surprised when it happened. In light of all the freedoms America lost since then though, he must be dancing in his grave right now.

In fact, I'm pleasantly surprised when I meet someone who does not believe that overpopulation is the cause of most of the world's ills.

I use Firefox on my Android phones, it's come a long way since its first release and is pleasantly stable and comparably quick to chrome.

I was already pleasantly surprised when it became a modest success, much less the monster hit it eventually became.

Then they were pleasantly time-wasting. Now they're crossing over the line firmly into evil territory.

I don't think positive or negative of anyone until they prove otherwise, but I do note that I'm quite pleasantly surprised when someone with great skills turns out to be a genuinely nice person. Though, I am not surprised when they turn out to be assholes.

I am very pleasantly surprised to see that the GNU GPLv3 license has been chosen. I've been harsh on Light Table because the source was nonfree and the promise to "open source" it eventually didn't look promising or community-friendly.

As an Atari ST user from 1985 to roughly 1993, I wasn't expecting the author would actually mention GEM/TOS. I was pleasantly surprised when I scrolled down and, lo, there it is. That said, since the "X" in this case is white on a black background, I always interpreted the icon as four arrows pointing inward to indicate a shrinking/disappearing motion.

Everything about the room made it uncomfortable to say no; there was one door with a guy standing in front of it smiling, they would hand out papers and not ask but pleasantly direct you to fill out your information. I knew it was a scam, when I got up to leave in the middle of the presentation the guys running the show called me out; shaking their head in dismay and making comments as I left.

I find it pleasantly surprising -- almost unbelievable, in fact -- that a highly sought-after fugitive accused of treason and practically certain to be found guilty of serious crimes is so widely supported by the public and the media. Has there ever been another person whom the executive has done everything in its power to paint as a dangerous enemy of the state, whose approval rating was several points higher than the President's and several times higher than that of Congress?

Pleasantly definitions


in a cheerful manner; "`I'll do the dishes,' he said pleasantly"

See also: cheerily sunnily


in an enjoyable manner; "we spent a pleasantly lazy afternoon"

See also: agreeably enjoyably