Plagiarist in a sentence as a noun

If you win, they take your niche, call you a plagiarist and kick you out with nothing.

What the plagiarist in this case did is use it as if it was Public Domain.

Either kaax is martian, or just a plagiarist.

What your "plagiarist" is doing is perfectly legal I think.

I find this funny because Martin Luther King turned out to be a plagiarist.

Because Jonah Lehrer has proven to be a plagiarist and a fabricator on a large number of occasions.

In this case it would be easy to paint Apple a plagiarist and hypocrite, when they still clearly have an opportunity to come clean and make right.

That's why I think the original author deserves more credit than he got. I personally would never call him a plagiarist and thinks he deserved every cent he made.

If my product gives attribution to the original authors, but I do not release my source code, then I am in violation of the GPL, but I am not a plagiarist.

As others have pointed out, the author is a repeat plagiarist [1], and the point that he makes in the article is heavily based around the Rat Park study - one that has struggled to be replicated [2].

Weird to see a positive article about the benefits of letting people who have served their time get back into work juxtaposed with your post saying, essentially, Burn him he's a plagiarist.

Perhaps you don't need to dismiss his arguments outright, but you should definitely examine the claims of a known plagiarist and liar a lot more closely than someone with a relatively unblemished record.

As we see in the referenced article, it moves from the modified "self-plagiarism" to "plagiarism" quickly, by the fourth paragraph when it says "Four excruciating months later, Jonah Lehrer is known as a fabricator, a plagiarist, a reckless recycler.

Plagiarist definitions


someone who uses another person's words or ideas as if they were his own

See also: plagiarizer plagiariser pirate