Pitter-patter in a sentence as a noun

I love to listen to the rain-drops go pitter-patter and plunk all over the roof of my house.

I hear the same thing: the continual pitter-patter of push notifications and texting.

Pitter-patter in a sentence as a verb

When you unwrap, you'll end up with soft pitter-patter of little asphyxiated carcasses, and your infestation is over.

Sure, kids will be fine, but property owners in the US are an entitled bunch and may feel like their rights are being violated by the pitter-patter/clonk-bonk of active children.

Pitter-patter in a sentence as an adverb

I find that, for myself, I rarely want "no noise", I just want the quiet rush of the AC vents, maybe the pitter-patter of footfalls in the distance, etc. But no loud noises / talking / music / etc. in the immediate area.

Pitter-patter definitions


a series of rapid tapping sounds; "she missed the pitter-patter of little feet around the house"


rain gently; "It has only sprinkled, but the roads are slick"

See also: sprinkle spit spatter patter


make light, rapid and repeated sounds; "gently pattering rain"

See also: patter


as of footsteps; "he came running pit-a-pat down the hall"

See also: pit-a-pat pitty-patty pitty-pat


describing a rhythmic beating; "his heart went pit-a-pat"

See also: pit-a-pat pitty-patty pitty-pat