Pique in a sentence as a noun

Show me an alternative, and you'll pique my interest.

That's not a normal commuter pattern, so it might pique their interest.

The speaker's job is to pique your interest in a topic during that 18 minutes.

You think seeding some of your designs on pinterest might pique interest further?

"How dare the author pique my interest with his verbal chicanery!

Hopefully you'll pique some interest and have some email waiting later.

Pique in a sentence as a verb

On the other hand, a title of "The Egg" might not have attracted enough views and upvotes for you to have seen it. There's a pique/spoil trade-off, now in social media more than ever.

At the same time, its form and content are original enough to pique a more demanding student's interest.

He mentioned it as a data point that should pique curiosity, and proceeded to discuss concrete strengths at length instead.

Even if he's relatively happy, if you don't give him a raise, it's going to be way too easy for some recruiter to throw out salary numbers that will at least pique his interest.

The video is intended to pique the interest of CMS choosers with short attention spans... you're right that it's a poor substitute for a real demo, and we'll try to get something up as soon as possible.

I’m an iOS Engineer and Designer looking for a new challenge" is enough to pique your interest in a candidate who is ostensibly not motivated enough to reach out to companies of interest and instead wants to sit back and be "poached", you have no right to complain about how hard it is to hire and retain quality employees.

Pique definitions


tightly woven fabric with raised cords


a sudden outburst of anger; "his temper sparked like damp firewood"

See also: temper irritation


cause to feel resentment or indignation; "Her tactless remark offended me"

See also: offend