Piousness in a sentence as a noun

Whether this merits praise/piousness, it's not my place to decide.

Based purely off this I'd say he seems to be a pretty unscrupulous businessman who hides behind a veneer of yoga and piousness, but who really knows.

Unfortunately the byproduct of any measure of success of a rebellion in the middle east is credited to piousness.

There's a danger in humorlessness in that it often insinuates itself into one's identity through piousness and victimhood.

The whole idea is so far removed from what he defined initially, any concept of markets cannot be traced to him and is then just arbitrary rambling from a gut sense it will help one surviveEconomics as an academic construct is internalized the same as a chase for piousness.

Do we really intend to digress back to some kind of Puritanical morality where your ability to do anything is first judged by your piousness, and secondly by your ability to perform the job?Personally, this has somewhat diminished my interest in both the FSF and the GNU organizations.

Anyone claiming a "right way" to do something at the level of irrelevant casing either has a larger organization to worry about in terms of code readability, etc and is therefore justified if your project is meant to be shared with others OR is professing code piousness as a way to stroke their own ego.

Piousness definitions


righteousness by virtue of being pious

See also: piety