Pinko in a sentence as a noun

Stinky pinko whining hippy couch-surfer with a thing for parrots.

Also, "Ah don whan ta see mah tax dahllers goin' to some pinko commie freak tryin' to destroy America.

"Ayn Rand supporter" is the new "communist sympathizer" or "pinko.

And I understand that, because I lived for years in that same "RMS is a unrealistic pinko commie idealist whose ideas don't work in the real world" camp.

For example, during the anti-communist movement of the 1950's, the term would be used judgmentally to distinguish from those who might be "pinko commies".

Yeah, they teach us in business school that "time = money".Only a pinko commie would think that privately-owned intellectual property like this should be free.

I'm probably just giving in to my terroristic anti-consumerism pinko tendencies, but... don't buy a soda?

Fortunately the English accent convinced them I was obviously merely some pinko-commie weirdo and not a threat to Houston society.

Pinko definitions


a person with mildly leftist political views

See also: pink