Pinkish in a sentence as an adjective

I was sure it was a slightly pinkish red.

"white" people are pinkish to light brownish and "black" people are light to dark brown.

The 50 is pinkish and the 20 a purplish colour.

Dark yellow can look tan or even pinkish.

I would have thought that even the whitest people have more of a pinkish hue to their skin.

If the coconut is really young the water can have a pinkish beige hue.

I just dealt with a pinkish screen up until a few days before my warranty was up.

Finally, I can have that useless lump of pinkish-grey jelly work for me!

>Around 5pm, your display turns pinkish orange and it becomes a lot harder to see anything.

And virtually no one else cares enough to distinguish between pinkish red and reddish pink in a formal way.

The ones I've tried still make a terrible humming noise much like a fluorescent bulb in a ballast, and cast a somewhat pinkish light.

I did make one addition to mark the read > .card { border: 1px solid #f357a1 !important; }Adds a pinkish border around the cards of read items.

His professor pointed out that the mans lungs were pinkish and asked the students what condition might have caused that unusual condition.

My Nexus 6 suffers from a pinkish bottom half, and apparently it's not an uncommon issue for hi-DPI smartphones and non-Retina-brand hi-DPI laptops.

It barely rains, but it nearly always looks like it's about to rain!That being said, even in the summer, when I regularly go outside enough to get a pinkish hue to my skin, I still don't generate enough Vitamin D.

As I always remark, writing a comment or blog post can only point in a direction, as in "please shift your opinion following this arrow", but not a destination as in "please arrive at this target".If one watches a lot of brain documentaries on pop sci TV channels, the thing they present looks like this magnificent beautiful 3D model with bluish and pinkish stuff and light pulses go around as in a hyperfuturistic awesome thing while the camera is circling around with beautiful intriguing music in the background.

Pinkish definitions


of a light shade of red

See also: pink