Pillow in a sentence as a noun

They stuff their argument with fluff like it's a damn pillow.

That seems pretty steep for... a pillow, even a fancy one.

10 books, eye mask for sleeping, my neck pillow, a sandwich, pen and pad of paper, candy.

I say this as a woman who brought a pillow to class in high school and was seen as a stellar student.

Pillow in a sentence as a verb

The sage told him to slice open a feather-filled pillow, shake it outside his house, then come back tomorrow.

He has been made to strip publicly for no reason. He has been made to sleep naked for no reason. He has been denied sheets and a pillow for no reason.

In fact, you can find tons of articles from today that talk about how Petraeus had every intention of staying on the job. However, once you get into the realm of 'what classified information did he spill in pillow talk?

He did something not too dissimilar to Ellsberg. But while Ellsberg got off free of charges, Brad Manning has been imprisoned for years without trial, including months of solitary confinement, and even a period of ******* watch in which he was not allowed clothes or a pillow at night.

Pillow definitions


a cushion to support the head of a sleeping person


rest on or as if on a pillow; "pillow your head"

See also: rest