Piles in a sentence as a noun

But nobody, or very few people, do that for the web, even though there are piles and piles of tools that make it easy and doable. So I did it.

There exist many, many things one could do with a computer worth piles of money. Knight just blew $400 million in 45 minutes.

Amongst the piles of Visual Basic we found a stored procedure that was about 5 pages long. It took about 18 hours to run; its job was to do a daily report.

We shouldn't have to do that and then reconfigure our piles of client devices. Also isn't it about as useful as the do not track header?

Ugly piles of smelly manure until you decide to clean them up. Of course, as you gain experience you can write less "smelly" code from the very start, that's only to be expected.

And we've yet to see any sort of track record for the piles of money Milner throws around, at least the big new money he is spending in America. In what sense is he "successful?"

Not a full rewrite, mind you, but Qt redid piles of classes, methods, and hierarchy, and Gtk+ introduced glib, reworked signalling, themes, and tons else I'm forgetting. It was a lot of work.

Copious amounts of baggage is the only thing left out, but I could pay 100€ to check piles and piles of bags, and now I spend slightly more than the Trenhotel and arrive five times faster. High speed trains make sense for semi-long distances.

The US is now terrified and burning piles of cash and lashing out at its own citizens, which is exactly what the terrorists wanted to happen.

It's the gangsters that live through it sitting on piles of money who now have the resources to expand into crimes that take more than a gun, friends with guns, and some luck. Because of the prohibition they can now hire hackers to commit crimes for them in any place in the world.

This doesn't mean we should all have big piles of files with no ways of structuring them, but it doesn't mean folders are the epitome of file management either. A database-like file system with powerful search options could definitely be much better.

A lot of innovation can be realized by searching through the discarded piles of yesteryear's ideas and asking, for each one, "are the reasons this was discarded still valid?" Young developers have the advantage of fresh eyes.

It seems that while the quantity group was busily churning out piles of work-and learning from their mistakes the quality group had sat theorizing about perfection, and in the end had little more to show for their efforts than grandiose theories and a pile of dead clay. === Advance congratulations to Jennifer.

We have been lucky enough to attract the companies and individuals that are tackling the hardest problems in developing 100% JavaScript web applications; people for whom the only acceptable answer is solid engineering, not piles of hacks. As we mention in the blog post, Ember.

So that means when there are little openings in the window for mining profitability everybody piles on, and you find when you get up and running that your mining estimates are an order of magnitude off because a lot of other people had the same bright idea. The hashrate and difficulty charts show that with their increases.

"man up" clearly implies that Ed Weissman feels that going up against the massive US justice system to allow people without university affiliation or piles of cash to read publicly funded scientific research is an immature act. As someone who has been blocked in the past from doing research because of lack of funds to pay the journals, this attitude disgusts me.

IBM's business model is approximately "We will solve your problems for piles and piles of money. Usually not problems that require technical breakthroughs or research level computer science knowledge, but ill-defined problems that involve many stakeholders, much politics, and complex business logic."

Jelly fish are floating piles of goo with absolutely no purpose or delight in life other than being floating piles of goo. It's made weirder by how big some of them get, "Jellyfish range from about one millimeter in bell height and diameter to nearly two meters in bell height and diameter; the tentacles and mouth parts usually extend beyond this bell dimension."

* Simple diffing would prevent deliberate obfuscation tactics like burying provisions deep inside piles of irrelevant stuff. * You could build a sweet github-style outward facing interface allowing the public to track the progress of bills in real time, increasing democratic awareness and participation.

The reason why I'm more concerned about their new privacy policy than about the old one is that lots of small piles of information are less dangerous than one big pile of information, exactly for the reason they are creating it: The value of accumulated information is more than the sum of its parts. The conclusions that can be drawn from that combined dataset are a lot more reliable and robust.

Piles definitions


pain caused by venous swelling at or inside the anal sphincter

See also: hemorrhoid haemorrhoid


a large number or amount; "made lots of new friends"; "she amassed stacks of newspapers"