Picky in a sentence as an adjective

Be picky in who you hire and be picky in where you apply.

Yeah, yeah, I saw it from the beginning, oh, go away, you're just picky.

But I'm just doing what I'm told to find someone, don't be picky, "you're not getting younger.

Small, somewhat nit-picky critique: the man pages for system calls are in section 2.

This is partially influenced by being picky about clients and working with people who are clueful and have budget.

My team is super strict and nit-picky, but others will almost rubber-stamp changelists.

But my belief in Premise 1, combined with the favorable structure of the proposition, means I don't need to be that picky.

I apologize for being nit-picky here, but please upload it somewhere other than Facebook.

Also once you have lots of legal issues or are required to follow standard accounting practices or other picky stuff like that this nice holocracy will crater.

Anybody who's ever rented more than one apartment knows that landlords are picky about tenants, often requiring credit checks as well as references from previous landlords.

They had already sharpened their quality and innovative abilities in the intense domestic Japanese market, which was extremely competitive and where the consumers were very picky about quality.

Picky definitions


exacting especially about details; "a finicky eater"; "fussy about clothes"; "very particular about how her food was prepared"

See also: finical finicky fussy particular