Picking in a sentence as a noun

This is a really good move, and if they end up picking Mike Abrash I'll be unsurprised.

It shouldve been picking up at least a dozen a day, so maybe there was something wrong with the report.

Thanks for picking this story up. As a tech guy myself, I'll be happy to answer any questions you have.--Jon

In my mind I like to think he was picking it as a personality trait and not a skillset.

Not picking on Seagate here, they are all similar, but lets look at their Barracuda drive's spec sheet [1].

Everyone who is involved in picking the target and knows it is a funeral, will know civilians will die. I can't help but think they also know it is job insurance as well.

It turned out that we had similar interests and enjoyed similar arguments and enjoyed picking stuff up off one another.

This Groklaw piece does a splendid job of picking the high points from the critique that Google's lawyers have put together to decimate the report of Oracle's key damages expert.

If I were interested in picking up an open-source project, I'd be hesitant to join one in which there had been explicit legal threats against the original author.

Once it's free you can't really go back to 'old-fashioned'.So once they've folded up, you've bought their Aeron chairs at 5 cents on the dollar and you're re-connecting with your old customers and picking up the pieces you have a fairly clear field.

Small companies that were picking the Internet as a delivery platform and using open-source/multi-platform technologies were on the forefront of innovation.

Probably the best point made in this article is that universities aim for "surface" diversity: they take the easy route of pretending that picking enough students of enough different racial backgrounds is actually making their school diverse.

Another had a better analogy: "It's like having a busload of grumpy senior citizens show up at your store, picking through stuff, complaining about the prices, going on about irrelevant things, and generally being ornery, obnoxious and trashing everything that you've done.

Still other times, it happens because entrepreneurs are trying to cobble together their own contract by picking and choosing what sounds good from others they have seen and, in the process, failing to ensure that things don't conflict with each other or perhaps just omitting to address key legal issues by having put an exclusive focus on the business issues.

Picking definitions


the quantity of a crop that is harvested; "he sent the first picking of berries to the market"; "it was the biggest peach pick in years"

See also: pick


the act of picking (crops or fruit or hops etc.)