Piazza in a sentence as a noun

Third, I just took the class as well and the forums on piazza are also a great resource.

Even the medieval town or city was marked by narrow streets that led to an open piazza or square.

If it bothers me, and I'm enrolled in/TA'ing cs classes, it must bother the **** out of humanities majors with classes on piazza.

Of course, some of my professors are very enthusiastic about this system; one of them even has a testimonial on piazza's main page.

When I noticed that Google was up to paying a billion dollars a quarter for traffic I realized that in some ways the gold leaf was falling off the piazza and revealing the the ugly plaster behind it.

Piazza definitions


a public square with room for pedestrians; "they met at Elm Plaza"; "Grosvenor Place"

See also: plaza place