Petulant in a sentence as an adjective

Games won't get better until they stop being made by-and-for petulant children, be they 13 or 30.

I fail to see how this 'petulant child' attitude that we geeks like to adopt re: DRM does us any good.

But demanding that other people support you for free and never advance is childish and petulant.

"And so have you - so we'd appreciate it if you stop referring to the rest of us as entitled and petulant.

Really?There seems to be this growing attitude of petulant, childish snobbery among us geeks.

During the tenure with the founders they made all of the mistakes above, plus acted like petulant children when they ran into each of these problems.

Just because a petulant and spoiled American wants his iced mocha faster does not mean that speeding up sales of mocha is a worthy problem.

It doesn't even matter if the developers actually are acting like petulant children, if you drive them away they still go away.

I saw nothing in that article as to /why/ google might have done what they did, only some really petulant complaints and vague innuendo about "rogue contractors".

I recognize that sounds petulant, but back to the site in the first paragraph - a lot of people stopped posting because so much did not survive the great purges that went on.

We can call it other things if that's less offensive: petulant, self-indulgent, self-aggrandizing, perhaps.

His slide was offensive and doesn't belong at a conference, but neither does petulant behavior such as throwing a bottle of hot sauce at the speaker in the middle of his or her presentation.

The petulant employee's constant complaints and uncooperative attitude led to multiple meetings with the human resources department to address the issue.

Maybe it would mean more widespread exposure of his real character, but for all the praise that can be thrown at him, anyone paying attention is already aware he was an all-around petulant ******* willing to act immorally and illegally to get his way.

When factored into this that Nintendo profits from third party software -- unlike Rovio, which has to pay its dutiful tides to petulant lovers by excellance Apple and Samsung -- one starts clearly seeing how Nintendo is pulling *** like Brad Pitt at a wet t-shirt contest.

That is the rules, right?So if Snowden is to be branded a traitor, Obama can be branded a petulant, entitled, pampered, sulky, embarrassed, teen-aged child who is used to getting his own way, and will throw toys out of the pram when mommy says "no".Point being, this business of dirty tricks PR bites both sides.

Petulant definitions


easily irritated or annoyed; "an incorrigibly fractious young man"; "not the least nettlesome of his countrymen"