Petard in a sentence as a noun

...and the rage that accompanies being hoist by one's own petard.

From which I'm impressed they work, but inevitably they fall on their own petard.

Fundamentally, I don't care as much when people are hoist on their own petard as when they hoist others on the same.

I never said it was either, I was referring to Zuckerberg, in some ways, being hoisted by his own petard.

There is a certain amount of schadenfreude involved in seeing someone hoisted by their own petard.

You're basically handing your opponent the rhetorical petard he will hoist you by.

Auto-hoist, petard-wise," but this latest submission points to the page that documents the continuing saga.

I fear your humility may be more like that of Socrates, and I'm about to be hoisted on the petard of my own unexposed ignorance.

Bitcoin, Mt. Gox, and the whole ecosystem were established on principles like lack of regulation, anonymity, and un-traceability, yet here they are, hoist by their own petard.

It is rather unfortunate that this Agency happens to be extremely well-funded, terrifyingly effective, and employing geniuses, but clearly in Snowden they are hoist on their own petard.

Judging from the number of job ads where companies and recruiters tout their principals as "former Googlers" or "Stanfords," or "Facebookers," this would seem to be a petard upon which Google et al have hoisted themselves through their corporate branding via their "smart" hiring practices.

Petard definitions


an explosive device used to break down a gate or wall