Pessimism in a sentence as a noun

[2008] "Optimism, pessimism, **** that; we're going to make it happen.

Why is there so much pessimism in this thread... ?I'm not familiar with all the font libraries out there.

If there is any thread that might help comfort you about the pessimism sometimes found on HN, this is it.

"I've held on to that concept and its been an important part of me keeping my natural self-pessimism in check.

I take back my previous pessimism - brilliance

I can assure you, right now, at this point in time, no one gives a **** about your pessimism, reality checks, or breaking bad references.

So much pessimism in the comments about the viability of Twitter as a business model.

Any Clojure programmers reading this, please reply with some code that is readable, elegant, and performant, to provide a counterpoint to my pessimism.

It seems more likely that this is just increasing pessimism about prospects for economic growth, rather than worries about debt serviceability.

It's incoherent, fanatical pessimism, and it's really dissapointing.

Synthetic biology could lead to new forms of bioterrorism; surveillance technologieswhich are becoming ever more sophisticatedalready provide governments more information than Big Brother ever dreamed about; no guidelines have yet been developed for ethics in the exponential era. My worry: will humanity evolve fast enough to fulfill its increasing responsibilities?I've learned in several years of writing opinion articles and reading them that there is easy optimism and there is easy pessimism.

Pessimism definitions


the feeling that things will turn out badly


a general disposition to look on the dark side and to expect the worst in all things