Pertinently in a sentence as an adverb

But more pertinently, it should be time that's set aside for work.

More pertinently, it does work better than using google docs.

You write to your RAM, or even more pertinently, your SSD, on every CPU clock cycle?

:pOr perhaps more pertinently, does a piece of paper grant some people rights that others don't have?

...or more pertinently, I want to flood the desert to grow rice in the California central valley.

Or maybe more pertinently, do you have any anxiety problems?I do on both counts, and what you're saying is laughable.

This post is more geared towards people who actually care about how things work, or, more pertinently, to the people who have been spreading misinformation around.

We have limits to observation, and, most pertinently, we have limits of tractability and understanding of complex systems.

Perhaps pertinently, the government absolutely did ask that question, and restricted computer export for precisely the reasons you give.

And for Balanced because Steve is a talented programmer and - perhaps more pertinently - an interesting thinker, who can only be a positive asset to the company.

Describing the second would have taken too much space, diverted from the thrust of the post and, most pertinently, required digging a book out of one of far too many identical, poorly labelled, cardboard boxes.

Or, more pertinently, what's the point of preserving the human race if the only outcome is planetary destruction?I'm not trying to be dreary, but I do think Hawking is completely wrong on this point, not to mention its feasibility in the next 100 years.

"he carried into adulthood the concomitant problems in relating to others—and very pertinently to women—ensuring the prerequisite internal pool of frustrations essential for lateral thinking"I don't think this follows at all, honestly.

Pertinently definitions


in a pertinent way; "what is singular about his use of them is that no other artist, of his time or any other, has painted them so directly, intimately and pertinently"