Pertinent in a sentence as an adjective

Sorry for the 19th century text wall, but this is so pertinent that it hurts.

I did. So I send all clients that I talk to about implementing basic split tests links to pertinent blog posts on his website.

Assuming that Google hasn't locked up all of the pertinent technologies, this wouldn't be a fair fight.

Mortenjorck made a good point, but I think makmanalp asked a perfectly valid and pertinent question.

Perhaps a more pertinent question would be "how many companies would let Steve Yegge choose to stop working on the project he's assigned to?

Don't forget about "the muslim problem" and the "international islamic conspiracy".I'm sorry to Godwin the thread, but it's pertinent.

Citation spam is usually an attempt to prevent article deletion, especially pertinent as it's been deleted [0] and merged into bitcoin [1] in the past.

If you cannot distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you may not distribute the Program at all.

Publicly traded companies are subject to various securities regulations that require disclosure of certain pertinent information and protect investors in various ways.

The pertinent question is: why spend a large amount on a rock with possible associations of slave labor that is of absolutely zero functional value when you can ... well, spend the amount on anything else of value, and indeed still meet those 3 qualifications.

It's chilling that they explicitly mention parallel construction on page 12:When a complete set of CDRs are subpoenaed from the carrier, then all memorialized references to relevant and pertinent calls can be attributed to the carrier's records, thus "walling off" the information obtained from Hemisphere.

Pertinent definitions


having precise or logical relevance to the matter at hand; "a list of articles pertinent to the discussion"; "remarks that were to the point"


being of striking appropriateness and pertinence; "the successful copywriter is a master of apposite and evocative verbal images"; "an apt reply"

See also: apposite