Persecute in a sentence as a verb

That was certainly a great idea, when the government was the only entity that could realistically persecute you.

I don't think anyone has taken extreme measures to persecute Airbnb, but Arrington was blamed out of the blue with little regard for actual guilt or innocence.

Politicians can use their position to go on fishing expeditions and publicly persecute whoever they wish with flimsy reasoning.

He glosses over the fact that once law enforcement can persecute people for sharing some information, it is incredibly easy to persecute people for the sharing of _any_ information if it choses to.

When government doesn't follow the rules and just uses its enormous power to persecute, then it's the government that is the criminal actor, a much more dangerous criminal actor than any private one.

The recent doxxing scandals are not helping my peace of mind, and neither do the firings of people who get "exposed".The original version of "freedom of speech" only said that the government should not persecute people for speech.

If the government not following the law to persecute someone who's not breaking the law, and isn't even a citizan of the united states, doesn't make you sick to your stomach then I'm not sure what our government could do to do such a thing.

By abusing computer fraud laws to needlessly persecute Aaron Swartz, these Boston prosecutors have done grave damage to the entirely legitimate enterprise of having the state help protect individuals and businesses from criminals who can and do hire out superior security talent.

There are a lot of people who genuinely believe that sharing is not theft, and far from being something that we should persecute, is something that makes humanity richer and the world a better place, and many of those people do not believe it simply in order to feel better about copying stuff, since they don't actually 'pirate' copyrighted things.

However, because jury nullification has its greatest historical significance in the United States when it was used to persecute blacks, legal doctrines which support jury nullification are, by association, not very popular, while legal tactics which allow prosecutors to make their case in the face of potential jury nullification are considered acceptable.

Persecute definitions


cause to suffer; "Jews were persecuted in the former Soviet Union"

See also: oppress