Perpetuation in a sentence as a noun

I'd probably do the same for my Mom or Dad too so I don't see it as a "perpetuation of the species" thing at all.

It's about an the creation and perpetuation of an entire underclass.

I mourn the perpetuation of sarcasm as a means of communication.

They always work in their own interests, and among these are self-perpetuation and grabbing more power.

And that's before we get into its perpetuation of a system that will lead necessarily to more openly malelovent wealth.

That seems to me at least consistent, and not a perpetuation of the same crummy drama used to endlessly propagate the modern orthodoxy.

"This inevitable leads to calcification and the perpetuation of sub-par solutions, like auto-****.

"This makes sense--when you have no family, no ties, no vested interested in the perpetuation of society, mad-dog terrorism doesn't seem unreasonable.

Without harsh assessments, a massive project will eventually dedicate some of its resources into self-perpetuation, that is justifying its existence rather than producing results.

Negativity is regarded negatively in some bizarre self-perpetuation cycle.

It's entirely appropriate for government to regulate to prevent the perpetuation of this socially undesirable phenomenon.

Leadership has long since become its own entity, and succumbed to the first law of organizations: All organizations inevitably evolve until the perpetuation of their own existence becomes their overriding priority.

In graduate school, my thesis focused on the Southeast US from Reconstruction through the Civil Rights Act of 1964, investigating the role religion played in the development, acceptance, and perpetuation of the Souths attitudes and behaviors toward race, class, and gender.

Racist attitudes towards native peoples are extremely prevalent and popular culture constantly attempts to assimilate native culture as a perpetuation of the colonial settler ******** of native peoples.

Hayek was vociferous on the topic of adequate regulation being essential to the sustenance and perpetuation of a liberal democracy - and adequate regulation we do not have - nor can we, with our current sociopolitical frameworks coupled with a furious pace of change.

Perpetuation definitions


the act of prolonging something; "there was an indefinite prolongation of the peace talks"

See also: prolongation protraction lengthening