Permission in a sentence as a noun

He ran untrusted code at full permission on his PC.

He just changed his IP address and they let him right back on, gave him permission.

That's the entire point, people are under _incredible_ amounts of surveillance, without their permission.

The work on the tests wasn't bad, but securing copyright permissions and, often, permission to edit was brutal.

It prevents others from exploiting such works commercially without their permission.

Google had the temerity to copy some 20 million copyrighted works without the authors' permission.

So I wrote back--this happened literally two weeks ago--"I give permission for IBM, its customers, partners, and minions, to use JSLint for evil.

She volunteered to wear a camera for a day to gather data for him, and she asked me permission to do so while we were out & about during a weekend.

I don't think its overstating the situation to say: Facebook changes profiles without permission or notification.

This just reinforces the existing "permission-based" startup ecosystem.

Dissatisfaction with a commercial site's UI is not just cause for using their data without permission, particularly if they had made an effort to offer a licensing agreement, whatever the terms might have been.

Consider anything you can do to increase this, for example, offering upsells on top of the base offering, cross-selling them to other things in your portfolio or things from others' portfolio for a percentage, or developing a permission marketing asset such as an email list.

Permission definitions


approval to do something; "he asked permission to leave"


the act of giving a formal (usually written) authorization

See also: license permit