Permeable in a sentence as an adjective

It looks like the bottle is sealed with cork, which is permeable to both air and moisture.

So ideally these contact lenses need to be gas permeable as well.

Not to mention the tube is steel, which isn't traditionally light-permeable.

Unless you are factoring in that limestone's permeable.

If they offer to throw a bag of flour over it and see the shape of the flour-covered dragon, you say the dragon is permeable to flour.

I wish the borders between academia and the professional world were a bit more permeable.

Eventually natural selection will take over and the ones that figure out that glass isn't bird-permeable.

Imagining that the regular ISS for example is any less permeable to space debris at high delta is silly.

A woman has a body that is penetrated in intercourse: permeable, its corporeal solidness a lie.

I thought I read somewhere that the force required for reverse osmosis is mostly due to osmotic pressure, and a more permeable membrane won't change that at all.

They seem to fail to mention BBSes, which is arguably the most important influence on the creation of the hacker underground, and IRC, which is today still the most permeable means to access it.

Water passes through the semi-permeable membrane back into your blood to decrease osmotic pressure caused by the excess of sodium/chloride in your blood versus in the surrounding cells.

It's a 180-degree approach from islet cell transplants, semi-permeable protective membranes, and immuno-suppressive *****.

Reverse osmosis takes more energy the more polluted the source is, because osmotic pressure increases based on the relative concentrations on either side of the semi permeable membrane.

It's likely that the ion pumps and non-permeable membranes formed as the little guys moved out of the geothermal vents and diverged into new environments, giving rise to the divergent archea and bacteria.

Their method of disabling that particular protein doesn't directly address the problem of the biofilms having a less-permeable extracellular matrix.

I believe these delayed-onset allergies are fairly common in western societies, and are due to a "leaky gut", or permeable intestinal lining, that results in an immune system response when those foods get absorbed.

From Wikipedia: "Osmosis is the net movement of solvent molecules through a partially permeable membrane into a region of higher solute concentration, in order to equalize the solute concentrations on the two sides.

Summary: infuse brain with hydrogel monomers, polymerize to form permeable polymer matrix, remove lipids with vigorous electrophoresis, bingo, transparent brain.

Unfortunately, the best sites for such a long term storage facility would be in the northeast under a geologically stable mountain made of impermeable granite, but those sites were removed from consideration by congressional fiat a while back.

Note the work Chicago is doing, as a function of it's normal maintenance; anticipating a hotter and wetter climate alleys and sidewalks become water permeable, tree species are changed.> Then you do cost benefit analysis and decide the best course of action.

Permeable definitions


allowing fluids or gases to pass or diffuse through; "permeable membranes"; "rock that is permeable by water"