Perky in a sentence as an adjective

But I'll say this for the guy -- he's perky.

The waist is now impossibly thin, the boobs are more up-front and perky.

The fuel economy is good, and it's perky because of the lightness.

I would guess they're one of the few lucky people that wake up feeling refreshed and perky in the morning.

Amphetamines provide focus as well as a nice perky feeling to keep you happy while coding.

It is an illustration that many people only concentrate on ideas when the ideas are spoken with perky voices combined with snappy graphics.

I learned early on that people don't readily equate perky with intelligent so I dampened my enthusiasm for, well, effectively everything.

It's interesting that this got posted so soon after the Plover stenographic keyboardThe plover and perky links can be found in the comments section of the "Engelbart's Violin" article.

Also unintended consequences - I had genuine trouble finding a download button on a website a little while ago because they'd used a bright, perky-looking graphic that hit my mental ad filter.

It's all well and good for Southwest Airlines to have super-perky flight attendants that innovate by singing songs during post-landing announcements, but the real core of their business is safety, just like the real core of medicine is treatment outcomes.

Perky definitions


characterized by liveliness and lightheartedness; "buoyant spirits"; "his quick wit and chirpy humor"; "looking bright and well and chirpy"; "a perky little widow in her 70s"

See also: buoyant chirpy