Peri in a sentence as a noun

Obviously don't know much about your situation, but this might have a lot to do with your diet & pre/post/peri workout nutrition.

The peri-relational metaphor for shell command composition, this one, and every one before should be required reading.

Objectively speaking, especially if you subscribe to the insulin hypothesis of adiposity, there are several "unhealthy" biomarkers that occur as a result of intaking deep-fried twinkies and mountain dew — irrespective of peri-indiscretion nutrition.

Proper Noun Examples for Peri

"Sloterdijks ideal is not Pauline conversion but Trinitarian 'perichoresis,'"Unfortunately, I don't think Sloterdijk has understood the theological context of perichoresis which he goes on to define:"'Perichoresis means that the milieu of the persons is entirely the relationship itself,' he writes, envisioning love as a total mutual absorption.

Peri definitions


a beautiful and graceful girl


(Persian folklore) a supernatural being descended from fallen angels and excluded from paradise until penance is done