Perfidy in a sentence as a noun

"This is the reward for perfidy and cruelty"

In the law of armed conflict this kind of thing is called "perfidy" and brings no protection.

It's not because of the perfidy of the government. It sure isn't because job seekers want it increased.

Or rather, the NSA's perfidy has left us with no other safe default assumption, so we have to ignore on sight. The data is tainted.

Do they lack agency in the face of journalistic perfidy? What of public relations, think tanks, and campaigns?

The article papers over this inconvenient lack of perfidy on AT&T's part by using the term 4G on average once per paragraph. Is this the WSJ or is it techcrunch?

They will never relent in their shameless calumny and perfidy until Labour's program has been completely neutered.

——— That they would forbid their holy language server implementation from integrating with other editors exposes the perfidy at the heart of their LSP advocacy. If they want to keep the extension proprietary and charge for the language server, that’s fine!

The child rapist Catholic Priest does not denigrate the Message of Love present in Jesus' form of God's Religion; he only proves his perfidy and that of the organization that hides his sins and felonies from his prey's society.

After Russia snuck unmarked Russian soldiers into Crimea, which comes dangerously close to counting as perfidy, it was pretty clear that Russia and Russian sources could not be trusted on this matter. Now, are you trying to claim that Russia did not send troops onto Ukrainian soil to annex Crimea, and is not supporting the separatists in the east with at least arms and training?

As has been pointed out, Microsoft has been very heavily pushing for the language server approach with the argument that it simplifies the integration between {languages, editors} from M*N to M+N. That they would forbid their holy language server implementation from integrating with other editors exposes the perfidy at the heart of their advocacy. If they want to keep the extension proprietary and charge for the language server, that’s fine!

Even when the reasons for the laws were outdated or absurd, even when the prosecutions unjust, even when perfidy played a role, even when the people who worked the case no longer fully believe in it ... it still hurts to have your work thrown away by your superior.

I'm not trying to say second shots are always permissible just because there have been times when Taliban have committed perfidy, you'd still need good intel each and every single time that tactic is used for it to be legal. But what I am saying is that often the story you read about actions in war are completely one-sided to make you believe that people are really going around doing things "equivalent to gunning down unarmed civilian peasants in order to deny food".

Quote Examples using Perfidy

For example, if the child was adopted by an abusive alcoholic then this is a case of the terrible neglect and perfidy of the state... even though gobs of people are naturally born to abusive alcoholics and taking them away would usually be regarded as an instance of the terrible neglect and perfidy of the evil, bureaucratic state. The state must have a perfect track record in order to be merely tolerated. Otherwise, it will be overthrown. So by our own stupid irrationality, we ensure that the state is irrationally defensive. If the state could solve a problem 90%, but 10% are still left over, that 10% becomes the awful perfidy of the state, so we create an environment where the other 90% are completely ignored because at least it's "nobody's fault."


Perfidy definitions


betrayal of a trust

See also: perfidiousness treachery


an act of deliberate betrayal

See also: treachery betrayal treason